Pedigree Biene Maja vom Metebacher Park

Our Biene, which means bee, is a daughter of our Leia and Janosch vom Apfelwörth. She is chosen to continue breeding in our kennel. Her curious, friendly nature paired with a beautiful drawing made her a good candidate. Because she is still growing, not too much can be said about the movement and appearance. This is currently changing weekly.


Janosch vom Apfelwörth
SSV-BS 65657
Taron von Gramont
SSV-BS 59689
Lamar von der Kukesburg
SSV-BS 56055
Rosi von Gramont
SSV-BS 56598
Eywa vom Apfelwörth
SSV-BS 58732
Arne vom Kammergut
SSV-BS 51410
Amy vom Apfelwörth
SSV-BS 51717
Amidala-Leia vom Schieferbachtal
SSV-BS 63338
Forest Gump Carallsa
SSV-BS 58752
Kronblommas Macbeth
S 64790/2010
Disena Eleuteria
PKR II-97428
Zola del Sacro Fiume
SSV-BS 62137
Costantino del Sacro Fiume
LOI 11/143460
Monalisa del Sacro Fiume
LOI 12/48234